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Gay Marriage, Vancouver


Seventeen Years of Marriage Equality

In July 2022, Canada will mark seventeen years of legalized same-sex marriage nationwide. At 6:09 pm on Wednesday, July 20, 2005, the Civil Marriage Act was proclaimed into law in Canada, making it legal for same-sex couples to exchange vows from coast to coast. It was signed into law by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada.

Two years previously, on June 10, 2003, the Province of Ontario's Court of Appeal ruled that the exclusion of same-sex couples from the definition of marriage, was in violation of equality rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and legal civil ceremonies started shortly thereafter. British Columbia followed soon afterwards, announcing the legalization of same-sex marriage on July 8, 2003. As a result, couples from across Canada and around the world started traveling to these provinces to legally exchange vows.

Quebec followed in March 2004, Yukon Territory in July 2004, Manitoba and Nova Scotia in September 2004, Saskatchewan in November 2004, Newfoundland and Labrador in December 2004, New Brunswick in June 2005 and Alberta, Prince Edward Island, Nunavut Territory, as well as the Northwest Territories in July, 2005.

After the proclamation of the Civil Marriage Act, marriage equality was law in all ten provinces and three territories, so Canadians could now conveniently get married in their home jurisdictions, without the added expense of having to travel to Ontario or British Columbia. This also made Canada the fourth country in the world, after the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain, to legalize same-sex marriage throughout the country.

With tens of thousands of Canadian same-sex couples now legally married, and numerous others from other countries whom have come here to legally marry, there has also been an economic impact from wedding ceremonies and all the accoutrements that go with them. Airlines, hotels, wedding venues, caterers, marriage commissioners, wedding planners, bakeries, limousine companies, taxes and more, have all benefited financially. 

Of course, the history and processes involved in attaining marriage equality nationwide in Canada are much more complex and involved than we can present in the limited space of these pages. The intent of this article is to note and celebrate seventeen years of this historic landmark in Canadian history. For additional information, please refer to web sites in the Resources section provided. Congratulations Canada!     



Marriage Licence Offices and Marriage Commissioners who are able to perform the ceremony are listed on the Government links provide below, as well as detailed information outlining the process.

Government of British Columbia

BC Government, Vancouver Marriage Commissioners List 



Royden Oldford & Lawrence Wakeling

at Coast Plaza Hotel Gardens 

July 31, 2004 


Royden__Lawrence_2      ManManCake_copy 

Royden & Lawrence!




    Rod & Terrey from Brisbane, Australia 

Married at English Bay, Vancouver
September 7, 2007


 Gayvan.com’s Daichan Nakagawa and Angus Praught were married at Love in the Square, April 14, 2019, with Lauren Kirkey, Wedding Officiant.
Lauren Kirkey, Wedding Officiant.
Lauren is a Trans-identified wedding Officiant, with 11 years of experience conducting weddings for all genders of couples.
“From intimate Elopements to full scale, large weddings, there are so many ways to celebrate Love! Let’s meet and create a ceremony that truly reflects you “
Lauren can be booked through
Young, Hip & Married: https://www.younghipandmarried.com 

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